Hire an Operations expert.

Looking for Operations help? Easily schedule time with an Operations expert to get advice, build a project, improve your skills or solve a specific problem.

380 experts available right now

Photo of Daniel G., an interview coach
Daniel G.
Management consultant
Interview coaching company iconAccenture
Interview coaching location iconSan Francisco timezone
Interview coaching company icon2 clients  (50% rebook rate)
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon5.0  (2 reviews)
Daniel G. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Swati S., an interview coach
Swati S.
Management consultant
Product manager
Interview coaching company iconAmazon, McKinsey
Interview coaching location iconSan Francisco timezone
Interview coaching company icon16 clients  (12% rebook rate)
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon5.0  (2 reviews)
Swati S. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Eric S., an interview coach
Eric S.
Business analyst
Corporate finance
Investment banking
+ 2 other
Interview coaching company iconLazard
Interview coaching location iconSan Francisco timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews iconNew 
Eric S. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.

Allie, coached by Sahand
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Sahand's feedback pinpointed the specific weaknesses that have held me back in past interviews, and he shared actionable advice for improvement. The mock very closely simulated a real interview, and I definitely learned a lot!“
Jan 20, 2025
Anurag, coached by Hieu
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Hieu was great to have a mock interview session with. He pointed out things I would not have thought of despite watching countless youtube videos about the interview process. Would recommend“
Jan 20, 2025
Ii, coached by Manoel
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Manny is a great coach! He has deep industry knowledge and will encourage you to push outside of our comfort zone (in a good way!). He is paying attention to the behavioral part of the interviews, that should not be underestimated. I definitely recommend working with him!“
Jan 19, 2025
Sreekanth, coached by Manoel
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Manoel was great for the system design mock interview. He was providing hints during the interview and gave a constructive feedback on each area towards the end. That was super helpful!“
Jan 19, 2025
Sea, coached by Lino
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Lino was a pleasure to work with; he posed insightful questions and offered valuable, constructive feedback. A great coach! Highly recommend!“
Jan 17, 2025
Ashok, coached by Sajjad
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Sajjad was just awesome to work with. We hit it right off the bat. He was super clued into where I was in my career journey and truly helped me find my path. The session with Sajjad, saved me weeks of work chasing an opportunity that would have been a career distraction.“
Jan 17, 2025

Here are typical challenges our experts can help with.

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Get advice. Unsure about a specific challenge? Connect with an expert who can help you get unstuck.
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Build a project. Stuck on a new project you or your team is trying to build? Hire an expert to get unstuck and launch as soon as possible.
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Improve your skills. Tired of figuring things out on your own? Hire an expert to help accelerate your learning and achieve your goals.
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If you aren’t satisfied with your expert session for any reason, get in touch with us within 24h and we’ll refund you.

How does the expert platform work?

Step 1 - Purchase your coaching hours.

You can use your coaching hours with a single expert, or spread them across multiple experts. All experts have been vetted by our team. They have extensive coaching experience and a passion for making others successful.

How many sessions would you like to purchase?

Sessions can be scheduled with any coach and for any service once purchased.
Most Popular5$139/h
Total: $695
You’re saving US$50.00

Step 2 - Schedule your hours with any coach.

For each coaching hour, pick an expert, and select a time in their calendar. Experts only need 12h notice to be booked. So, if you could start practicing as early as today.

Screenshot of coach's profile page showing availability and experience

Step 3 - Meet with your coach.

Each coaching session lasts 1h. At the time of the session, you’ll login to a Google Meet call to meet your coach. They’ll confirm the objectives of the session with you and get started. You’ll be in touch with your expert over email before and after the session so you can ask any questions you have.

Coach and candidate conduct a video call

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You don’t have to do it alone. Hire an expert to get advice, build a project or improve your skills.