Hire an interview coach near you in Sunnyvale

Easily hire a coach in the Sunnyvale timezone and prepare for your interviews online. Learn what questions to expect, how to answer them, and get feedback you can apply immediately.

273 interview coaches available right now

Photo of Hamza M., an interview coachSuper coach badge icon for our top interview coaches
Hamza M.
Management consultant
Product manager
Interview coaching company iconAmazon, PWC, Strategy&
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Hamza M. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Himankini S., an interview coach
Himankini S.
Product leader
Product manager
Interview coaching company iconAmazon, Meta, Microsoft
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Himankini S. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Katerina S., an interview coach
Katerina S.
Management consultant
Product manager
Interview coaching company iconMcKinsey
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Katerina S. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Sai P., an interview coach
Sai P.
Engineering manager
Product manager
Software engineer
Interview coaching company iconBlackRock
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Sai P. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Lavina H., an interview coach
Lavina H.
Product manager
Interview coaching company iconAmazon, Meta
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Lavina H. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Miles R., an interview coach
Miles R.
Product designer
Interview coaching company iconGoogle, Meta
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Miles R. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Nitin A., an interview coach
Nitin A.
Management consultant
Product leader
Product manager
Interview coaching company iconAmazon, ZS Associates
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Nitin A. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Amritha N., an interview coach
Amritha N.
Engineering manager
Software engineer
Interview coaching company iconMicrosoft, Oracle, Zillow
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Amritha N. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Parakh J., an interview coach
Parakh J.
Product manager
Program manager
Interview coaching company iconMicrosoft
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Parakh J. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Dessy K., an interview coach
Dessy K.
Product leader
Product manager
Interview coaching company iconAmazon, TikTok
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Dessy K. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Shailen S., an interview coach
Shailen S.
Software engineer
Interview coaching company iconAmazon, Google, Salesforce
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Shailen S. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Jimmy M., an interview coach
Jimmy M.
Engineering manager
Software engineer
Interview coaching company iconAmazon
Interview coaching location iconSunnyvale timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Jimmy M. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.

Bennett, coached by Emily
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Emily is a natural coach who provides valuable feedback and examples. She also went the extra mile to tailor the interview to my specific role, and stayed after to ensure my questions were answered. Thank you Emily for being an outstanding resource for others.“
Feb 23, 2024
Yifu, coached by Rui
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Rui is a fantastic coach/mentor. She shared very insightful feedback, and I feel more confident about interviews now. I highly recommend anyone who is new to the tech industry and wants an expert's mentorship on how to reach their career goals.“
Apr 03, 2024
Joaquim, coached by Mark
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Mark is a very good coach, I can't recommend him enough! I was quite nervous but he made the environment very light and welcoming. His feedback was very precise and useful. I'm definitely a fan now!“
Mar 09, 2024
Lily, coached by Danielle
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“I got detailed feedback on where to improve. I like how Danielle asked me questions to press me a little bit in the mock, which feels more like a real interview.“
Mar 17, 2024
Neal, coached by Mark
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Mark was fantastic and made great use of the time with wonderful, detailed insights. He also followed up afterwards with additional resources. Highly recommend booking time with him.“
Feb 23, 2024
Minn, coached by Engin
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Engin was an excellent coach, being actively engaged throughout the session and making the session really interactive. He identified my gaps and offered actionable feedback. Overall, this experience proved immensely valuable to me.“
Apr 13, 2024

Stop the guesswork. Hire an interview coach to streamline your preparation, and land multiple job offers in Sunnyvale.

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Save time. Save hours of interview preparation by following your coaches’ advice. Book any coach in a few clicks. Start your first session as early as today.
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No regrets. Working with expert coaches can be the difference between landing an amazing job and missing out.
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High ROI. Spending ~$500 on coaching often results in salary increases of $30,000 or more. It’s worth it.
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Save money. We’re the largest and most affordable interview coaching service. Pay less than you would on other platforms.
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100% satisfaction guarantee

If you aren’t satisfied with your interview coaching session for any reason, get in touch with us within 24h and we’ll refund you.

How does the interview coaching service work?

Step 1 - Purchase your coaching hours.

You can use your coaching hours with a single coach, or spread them across multiple coaches. All coaches have been vetted by our team. They have extensive interviewing experience and a passion for making others successful.

How many coaching hours would you like to purchase?

Hours can be scheduled with any coach and for any service once purchased.
Most Popular5$139/h
Total: $695
You’re saving US$50.00

Step 2 - Schedule your hours with any coach.

For each coaching hour, pick a coach, and select a time in their calendar. Coaches only need 12h notice to be booked; you could start practicing as early as today.

Screenshot of interview coach's profile page showing availability and experience

Step 3 - Practice a mock interview for 45mins, and get feedback for 15mins.

Each coaching session lasts 1h. At the time of the session, you’ll login to a Zoom call to meet your coach. They’ll confirm the objectives of the session with you, give you a mock interview (45mins), followed by feedback (15mins). You’ll be in touch with your coach over email before and after the session so you can ask any questions you have.

Interview coach and candidate conduct a video call

Step 4 - Get an offer!

Interviewing is hard and there are usually lots of great candidates going for each role. Interview coaching is a small investment (e.g. ~$500) that can make a huge difference to your annual income (e.g. ~$200,000+) and career trajectory.

Graph showing how interview coaches will help you improve performance and get a job offer

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Frequently asked questions

Join 922 active candidates getting coached right now.

Streamline your interview preparation. Learn what questions to expect, how to answer them, and get feedback you can apply immediately.