Advice > Product management

Meta Product Manager Interview (Questions, Process, Prep)

By Max Serrano with input from the following coaches: Mark R . January 24, 2024
meta logo on a purple background

In this guide, we’re going to cover everything you need to know to prepare for product manager interviews at Meta.

We’ve gathered insights from ex-Meta and ex-Facebook PM interviewers on our platform, successful candidates we've worked with, hundreds of reports from Meta candidates on Glassdoor as well as information from official Meta sources, in order to put together this guide.

Below you’ll find a detailed overview of the interview process, example questions, how to answer, and a preparation plan.

Let’s get started.

Click here to practice 1-to-1 with Meta ex-interviewers

1. Meta Product Manager Role and Salary

Before we cover your PM interviews at Meta, let's take a quick look at the role itself (alternatively, feel free to skip straight to the sections on the interview process or interview questions).

1.1 What does a Meta product manager do?

Product managers at Meta are responsible for the supervision of the product team’s content design, user research, and data analysis. In certain cases, the scope may also include product marketing and program management. 

They have varied roles that are usually closely tied to performance metrics. Some focus on collecting and analyzing data, while others are more focused on design and features (source: MarkUpHero).

Meta has traditionally upheld a bottom-up culture but has become a blend of top-down and bottom-up approaches in recent years. The aim is to grant PMs enough autonomy to encourage innovation while having enough hierarchy to ensure strategic alignment across the organization. 

Autonomy for PMs is also encouraged by Meta's "Move fast" culture, which still holds strong and means that you can usually get things done at Meta as a PM more quickly than you would be able to at any other FAANG company.

"Meta is an amazing place to work as a Product Manager. You get to work with amazing engineers, designers, data scientists and much more. They have an unparalleled experimentation platform (in my opinion), and also move faster than any company I have ever worked at." Mark R,  former Meta and Google PM turned coach.

"There is no doubt that this is the fastest moving company I have ever worked for, way faster than any small startup that thinks it's moving fast." Janna Gurevich, Meta PM.

What skills are required to be a Meta product manager?

To be a successful product manager at Meta, you typically need a combination of technical, business, and interpersonal skills. You'll need to demonstrate that you are strategic and analytical, with a strong user-centric focus, market awareness, problem-solving skills, and leadership skills.

1.2 Meta product manager salary and compensation

Meta PMs make 46.5% more than other PMs in the US based on computations from and Glassdoor data. 

Compensation at Meta mainly depends on two key factors: location and level. 

Location: salaries are adjusted for cost-of-living. For example, Meta PMs in the US make 46% more than their counterparts in India. This is based on computations from Glassdoor data

Level: both base salary and total compensation increase with each PM level. Meta Senior PMs (L6 and L7) even have a higher total compensation than Google’s senior PMs (source:

Below you can see the average salary and compensation of the different product manager levels at Meta, as of early 2024.

Meta pm salary

If you’re unsure what level you’re being considered for, ask your recruiter.

Ultimately, how you do in your interviews will determine what level you’re offered. That’s why hiring one of our Meta PM interview coaches can provide such a significant return on investment.

And remember, compensation packages are always negotiable, even at Meta. So, if you do get an offer, don’t be afraid to ask for more using our Meta job offer negotiation guide.

2. Interview Process and Timeline

2.1 What interviews to expect

What's the Meta PM interview process and timeline? It takes four to eight weeks on average and follows these steps:

  1. Resume, cover letter, and referrals
  2. HR phone screen: one interview
  3. PM phone screen: two interviews
  4. PM on-site: three interviews

Resume Screening

First, recruiters will look at your resume and assess if your experience matches the open position. This is the most competitive step in the process—we’ve found that ~90% of candidates don’t make it past this stage.

You can use this free PM resume guide to help tailor your resume to the position you’re targeting. 

And if you’re looking for expert feedback, you can also get input from our team of ex-Meta/Facebook recruiters, who will cover what achievements to focus on (or ignore), how to fine-tune your bullet points, and more.

HR Phone Screen

Next, you'll start your interview process by talking to an HR recruiter on the phone. They are looking to confirm that you've got a chance of getting the job at all, so be prepared to explain your background and why you’re a good fit at Meta. You should expect typical behavioral and resume questions like, "Tell me about yourself," "Why Meta?" or, "Tell me about a product you launched from start to finish."

PM Phone Screen / On-Site

If you get past this first HR screen, the recruiter will then help schedule the first interview, which will be done over the phone with Meta PMs. One great thing about Meta is that it's very transparent about the recruiting process.

Your HR contact will therefore walk you through the types of questions interviewers will ask in subsequent rounds and also share this helpful Meta PM interview guide PDF with you.

Each interview you do with Meta will take 45mins and follow one of three themes:

  • Product sense, where you'll be tested on your product design and strategy skills
  • Execution (Analytical thinking), where you'll be tested on your abilty to set goals, analyze data and prioritize.
  • Leadership & Drive, where you'll be asked to demonstrate that you are an empathetic leader

At the phone screen stage you will typically get one Product sense and one Execution interview. And at the on-site stage you will typically get one of each type of interviews (three in total).

If you're applying for Meta's entry-level Rotational Product Manager program, the interview process is similar, and you can learn more about it in this Meta RPM interview guide.

If you are interviewing for a product leadership position (VP, Director, Group PM), learn more about the process and how to prepare in this PM leader interview prep guide.

2.2 What happens behind the scenes at Meta

Your recruiter is leading the process and taking you from one stage to the next. Here's what happens at each of the stages described above:

  • After the PM phone screen, the two interviewers you've talked to have 24h to submit their ratings and notes to the internal system. Your recruiter then reviews the feedback, and decides to move you to the on-site interview or not depending on how well you've done.
  • After the PM on-site, the three interviewers will make a recommendation on hiring you or not and the recruiter compiles your "packet" (interview feedback, resume, referrals, etc.). If they think you can get the job, they will present your case at the next hiring committee.
  • The hiring committee includes senior leaders from across Meta. They will review your packet and make a final decision based on all the data points that have been collected about you in the process. The committee also sets your level and therefore compensation.

It's also important to note that hiring managers and people who refer you have little influence on the overall process. They can help you get an interview at the beginning but that's about it.

What does Meta look for in product managers?

Meta is looking for product managers with a good understanding of technical concepts, a proven track record in product management, proficiency in data analysis, and excellent communication skills. Meta wants to hire people who can make data-driven decisions and demonstrate innovative and strategic thinking.

3. Example Questions

Let's dive in and look at the three types of interviews you can expect at Meta: Product sense, Execution, and Leadership & drive.

We've analyzed hundreds of questions reported by former Meta PM candidates on and laid out some typical questions for each interview type for you below.

3.1 Product Sense Interview Questions

Meta PMs decide what problems their teams work on and help design solutions for these problems. It's therefore important that they have strong product design and product strategy skills.

This is the part of the interview process where you should show that you're obsessed with the user. Here are a few of the skills Meta is looking for when asking product sense questions.

  • How you identify who to build for and what their needs are
  • How you focus on creating value and impact
  • How you make intentional design choices
  • How you handle critique, constraints, and new data

As you'll notice, the questions listed below are a mix of product design, product improvement and product strategy questions. We recommend studying the articles we've written on each topic to learn how to answer these kind of questions in a structured and impactful way.

Typical product sense questions asked by Meta

Product design

  • How would you build Uber for kids?
  • How would you build a fitness app for Meta?
  • How would you design an app for an amusement park?
  • Build a product for Facebook farmers
  • Build a product for group travel
  • How would you design an app for pet owners?
  • Design a new experience for a grocery store.
  • How would you design a new feature for an existing Meta product?

Product improvement

  • How would you improve user engagement for a specific Meta product?
  • Pick any Meta product - how would you improve it?
  • How would you improve Instagram Shopping?
  • How would you improve Facebook Campus?

Product strategy

  • Should Meta add a product for museums and their visitors?
  • How would you monetize WhatsApp?
  • How would you monetize Facebook Messenger?
  • If you were PM for a supermarket, what would you build?

When you're ready to deep dive into this part of the interview, check out our comprehensive guide to the Meta product sense interview.

3.2 Execution/Analytical Thinking Interview Questions

Once PMs have decided what problem to solve and what features to build, it's time to execute! This round used to be known as the "Execution" interview but is now called "Analytical Thinking."

Meta prides itself on being a data-driven organization. In fact, out of all the top tech companies, Meta is probably the one that focuses most on metrics.

"If you're intro metrics, you'll learn so much more at Meta than you will in your entire career elsewhere." Mark R, ex-Meta product manager.

Therefore, you can expect the execution interview to focus on metric questions, but you'll also be tested on how you prioritize and approach trade-offs. Here are a few of the things Meta is looking for when asking execution questions:

  • How you set the right goals for a product and measure against them
  • How you identify, frame, and evaluate trade-offs and priorities
  • How you analyze and debug problems
  • How you set your team up for success

We've listed some very typical execution questions asked by Meta since 2022, according to data from Glassdoor. Once again, it's a good idea to develop a framework to answer these questions.

For a deeper look at how to ace this part of the interview, check out our article on how to ace the Meta execution interview.

Typical Execution Questions Asked by Meta

Metric Definition

  • Set success metrics for Facebook marketplace (video solution)
  • Set success metrics for Facebook payments
  • Set success metrics for Instagram Shops
  • Measure the success of Facebook Live
  • What should be the goal for Meta pay? What should be the metric?
  • You are a PM for Horizon Worlds. What metrics do you focus on first.

Metric Change (Debugging)

  • Instagram feed engagement drops 10% - what do you do? (video solution)
  • The number of dollars sent using Meta Pay went down, why?
  • Facebook Events dropped by 30%, how will you revamp it?  
  • Likes are down in Brazil, what’s going on?

Prioritization / Trade-off

  • Prioritize Whatsapp features (video solution)
  • Facebook newsfeed engagement dropped by 2% — what do you do?
  • You are the PM for Facebook Newsfeed — how would you rank posts?

3.3 Leadership & Drive Interview Questions

PMs work with a range of different collaborators: engineers, designers, data analysts, etc. They need to be able to motivate their team, resolve conflicts, drive alignment, build relationships, and work with others.

This is the part of the interview where you want to show that you have drive and empathy. Here are a few of the skills that Meta is looking for during the leadership & drive interview:

  • How you earn trust and take ownership
  • How you process and grow from past experiences
  • How you support the people around you
  • How you overcome difficult situations
  • How you get stuff done and prioritize projects

We've listed some very typical leadership & drive questions that Meta has asked recently, according to data from Glassdoor. As part of your prep, be sure to check out our article on how to answer behavioral interview questions and the "Why Meta?" question.

Typical Leadership & Drive Questions Asked by Meta

4. Meta Interview Tips

You might be a fantastic product manager, but unfortunately, that’s not necessarily enough to ace your interviews at Meta. Interviewing is a skill in itself, that you need to learn.

Let’s look at some key tips to make sure you approach your interviews in the right way.

4.1 Ask clarifying questions

Some of the questions you will be asked will be quite ambiguous. In those cases, you’ll need to ask clarifying questions to get more information about the problem and to reduce its scope.

Jumping straight in without asking questions first will be a red flag to the interviewer and will hinder your answer.

For instance, if you were asked, “What would be your 10-year strategy if you were CEO?” you can respond by asking some questions about the company’s current situation and any business objectives the interviewer may have in mind. This way, you’ll have a better understanding of what the company needs in the coming years and have more information from which to build a strategy.

4.2 Justify your choices

Meta wants to see the reasoning behind your answer so make sure to justify each decision you make. You'll need to make plenty of trade-offs as you arrive at a solution, so be sure to call them out.

Meta emphasizes that both the journey (how you arrive at an answer) and the destination (your solution to the problem) matter.

4.3 Be data-driven

Meta is looking for product managers who can make decisions based on data and can judge everything they do by relevant metrics.

In an interview situation, it's okay to make assumptions because you might not have access to the facts and data. But you need to make it clear that in real life, you would seek out that data and that your approach would be highly data-driven.

4.4 Demonstrate user empathy

Meta wants product managers who can empathize with its users.

When answering a PM interview question, your first instinct should be to focus on the user. Identify who uses the product, why, and what the use cases are. Avoid designing a product based solely on personal preferences.

As part of your prep, think hard about the different kinds of users across Meta's family of apps and be prepared to divide them into segments.

4.5 Check-in with your interviewer

Interviewers differ in their willingness to provide hints. Some may wait for you to ask about customer or product details, while others expect you to make assumptions on your own.

Gauge this by asking a direct question or specifying your assumptions. If the interviewer tends to offer specifics, they’ll engage. If not, limit additional questions to demonstrate your ability to make decisions independently.

4.6 Answer methodically by using a framework

Meta wants you to solve a problem methodically. Meta recommends using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) framework when answering behavioral questions.

We also recommend the BUS (Business objective - User problems - Solutions) framework for answering product insight questions and the SPSIL (Situation - Problem - Solution - Impact - Lessons) framework for behavioral questions.

4.7 Don’t get stuck in a framework

As we just said above, frameworks are extremely helpful. However, some of our successful candidates have mentioned that excessive reliance on frameworks may hinder your performance.

During the interview, trust your instinct, and don’t be afraid to deviate from the framework if needed. A framework is there to help you craft a better answer, not make you twist your answer to fit the framework.

4.8 Center on the company’s core values

Study Meta’s values, core principles, and mission statement. When answering behavioral questions, share stories from past experiences that align with Meta’s core values. When designing a product or a strategy, consider how your answer aligns with these values.

4.9 Treat the interview like a conversation

Keep in mind that the interview is a two-way discovery process. While the interviewer assesses if you’re a good fit for Meta, you’re also evaluating if the company aligns with your aspirations and preferences.

4.10 Save questions for your interviewer

You’ll have a few minutes to ask your interviewer questions as the interview wraps up. Arriving without questions may suggest a lack of interest in the company or the role.

Prepare thoughtful questions that go beyond what you could have found out online. You can ask about career growth opportunities or specific ways of working in the company. It's your chance to showcase genuine curiosity and investment in the conversation.

5. Preparation Plan

Now that you know what questions to expect, let's focus on preparation. 

Below, you’ll find links to free resources and four introductory steps to help you prepare for your Meta PM interviews.

5.1 Deep dive into the product / organization

As you've probably figured out from the example questions listed above, you can't become a PM at Meta without being familiar with the company's products and its organization. You'll therefore need to do some homework before your interviews.

Here are some resources to help you get started with this:

5.2 Learn a consistent method for answering PM interview questions

As mentioned previously, Meta will ask you questions that fall into certain categories like behavioral, design, strategy, estimation, and metric questions. Approaching each question with a predefined method will enable you to build strong interview habits.

Then, when it comes time for your interviews, these habits will reduce your stress and help you to make a great impression.

If you’re just looking for a jumping-off point, you can start learning about the different question types you’ll need to master in the following PM interview guides:

It's a long watch, but we recommend watching this video by Meta. It's designed to help you with your initial interviews, and includes a mock product sense and analytical thinking interview from a Meta PM. You can also watch some of our Meta PM mock interviews on YouTube.

Once you understand how to answer each question type, you also need to be able to communicate your answers clearly, under the pressure of interview conditions. That’s where practice comes into play.

5.3 Practice by yourself or with peers

In our experience, practicing by yourself is a great way to prepare for PM interviews. You can start practicing alone, asking and answering questions out loud, to help you get a feel for the different types of PM interview questions. It will help you perfect your step-by-step approach for each question type. And it also gives you time to correct your early mistakes.

Use the example questions in section 3 above to practice with. You might also want to watch our product manager mock interviews and compare your answers to those of former PMs from Meta and other FAANG companies.

If you have friends or peers who can do mock interviews with you, that's a great option too. This can be especially helpful if your friend has experience with PM interviews, or is at least familiar with the process.

5.4 Practice with experienced PM interviewers

Finally, you should also try to practice product manager mock interviews with expert ex-interviewers, as they’ll be able to give you much more accurate feedback than friends and peers. 

If you know a product manager who can help you, that's fantastic! But for most of us, it's tough to find the right connections to make this happen. And it might also be difficult to practice multiple hours with that person unless you know them really well.

Here's the good news. We've already made the connections for you. We’ve created a coaching service where you can practice 1-on-1 with ex-interviewers from Meta and other leading tech companies. Learn more and start scheduling sessions today


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