Hire an interview coach near you in Fremont

Easily hire a coach in the Fremont timezone and prepare for your interviews online. Learn what questions to expect, how to answer them, and get feedback you can apply immediately.

272 interview coaches available right now

Photo of Nilam S., an interview coach
Nilam S.
Product leader
Product manager
Interview coaching company iconAmazon, Expedia
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Nilam S. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Jeremy M., an interview coach
Jeremy M.
Program manager
Interview coaching company iconAmazon
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Jeremy M. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Antonio P., an interview coachSuper coach badge icon for our top interview coaches
Antonio P.
Investment banker
Interview coaching company iconMorgan Stanley
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Antonio P. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Ghaith B., an interview coach
Ghaith B.
Technical program manager
Interview coaching company iconApple, Google, Tesla
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Ghaith B. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Hieu T., an interview coachSuper coach badge icon for our top interview coaches
Hieu T.
Software engineer
Interview coaching company iconAmazon
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Hieu T. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Emily W., an interview coachSuper coach badge icon for our top interview coaches
Emily W.
Operations manager
Product leader
Product manager
Interview coaching company iconUber
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Emily W. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Mehdi L., an interview coach
Mehdi L.
Management consultant
Interview coaching company iconExpedia, McKinsey
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Mehdi L. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Shailen S., an interview coach
Shailen S.
Software engineer
Interview coaching company iconAmazon, Google, Salesforce
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Shailen S. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Inbar G., an interview coach
Inbar G.
Engineering manager
Site reliability engineer
Software engineer
Interview coaching company iconDocuSign, Microsoft
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Inbar G. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of David A., an interview coach
David A.
Management consultant
Strategy and operations manager
Interview coaching company iconBCG, EY, Revolut
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
David A. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.
Photo of Danielle K., an interview coach
Danielle K.
Data scientist
Interview coaching company iconGoogle
Interview coaching location iconFremont timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Danielle K. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.

Jennifer, coached by Hamza
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Hamza is such a thoughtful, kind, and earnest coach. He really cares about you feeling confident and capable. I appreciated his insight and approaches to frameworks for product sense questions. He was an absolute delight to work with!“
Apr 22, 2024
Paul, coached by Ashley
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Ashley is great at presenting interview situation how they would appear in reality. She discovers various angles of what interviewers will try to assess if you are going to be a right fit. Her feedbacks are clear, concise and to the point. Great job Ashley. Thanks, Paul“
Apr 01, 2024
Riya, coached by Mark
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“As usual, Mark was brilliant in this session. He gave me exact pointers on how I could improve my answer, AND he also gave me a clear answer on how far I had to go, to get to that Strong Hire mark.“
Mar 02, 2024
Taylor, coached by Tim
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Tim was a great coach. Very friendly and supportive while also playing a convincing role of the interviewer at the same time. He even took some extra time to make sure I got robust feedback.“
Mar 23, 2024
Truong, coached by Hieu
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Hieu is an experienced coach that gave useful feedbacks and are kind, therefore after a session, candidates will improve a lot for interview preparation.“
Apr 08, 2024
MadhaviLatha, coached by Yogesh
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
“Yogesh is very clear , thoughtful. Precisely he gives the advise what we are looking for. It is really great and wonderful opportunity to work with him.“
Jan 29, 2024

Stop the guesswork. Hire an interview coach to streamline your preparation, and land multiple job offers in Fremont.

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Save time. Save hours of interview preparation by following your coaches’ advice. Book any coach in a few clicks. Start your first session as early as today.
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No regrets. Working with expert coaches can be the difference between landing an amazing job and missing out.
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High ROI. Spending ~$500 on coaching often results in salary increases of $30,000 or more. It’s worth it.
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Save money. We’re the largest and most affordable interview coaching service. Pay less than you would on other platforms.
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100% satisfaction guarantee

If you aren’t satisfied with your interview coaching session for any reason, get in touch with us within 24h and we’ll refund you.

How does the interview coaching service work?

Step 1 - Purchase your coaching hours.

You can use your coaching hours with a single coach, or spread them across multiple coaches. All coaches have been vetted by our team. They have extensive interviewing experience and a passion for making others successful.

How many coaching hours would you like to purchase?

Hours can be scheduled with any coach and for any service once purchased.
Most Popular5$139/h
Total: $695
You’re saving US$50.00

Step 2 - Schedule your hours with any coach.

For each coaching hour, pick a coach, and select a time in their calendar. Coaches only need 12h notice to be booked; you could start practicing as early as today.

Screenshot of interview coach's profile page showing availability and experience

Step 3 - Practice a mock interview for 45mins, and get feedback for 15mins.

Each coaching session lasts 1h. At the time of the session, you’ll login to a Zoom call to meet your coach. They’ll confirm the objectives of the session with you, give you a mock interview (45mins), followed by feedback (15mins). You’ll be in touch with your coach over email before and after the session so you can ask any questions you have.

Interview coach and candidate conduct a video call

Step 4 - Get an offer!

Interviewing is hard and there are usually lots of great candidates going for each role. Interview coaching is a small investment (e.g. ~$500) that can make a huge difference to your annual income (e.g. ~$200,000+) and career trajectory.

Graph showing how interview coaches will help you improve performance and get a job offer

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Frequently asked questions

Join 922 active candidates getting coached right now.

Streamline your interview preparation. Learn what questions to expect, how to answer them, and get feedback you can apply immediately.