More information about Suman B.

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Suman B.
Supercoaches have great ratings and cancel sessions booked with them only extremely rarely.
Engineering manager, Software engineer, Cloud engineer, DevOps engineer, Full-stack engineer
Company iconAmazon
Interview coaching company icon139 clients  (33% rebook rate)
Star icon4.95  (65 reviews)

2011-18: Amazon, Software Development Manager, Seattle

Suman is a former Software Development Manager with Amazon where he worked for 7 years across two countries. He has interviewed 250+ engineers over the course of his career and is passionate about helping other engineers achieve their career goals. Today, he works as an engineering manager in the connected car space.
Offers: Career coaching, Interview coaching, Leadership coaching, Mentoring, Resume review
Reviews icon Reviews
filled starfilled starfilled starfilled starfilled starOct 22, 2023
Anonymous · Engineering manager
Interview coaching · System design mock interview
Anonymous got an offer at Logo of DoorDashDoorDash
filled starfilled starfilled starfilled starfilled starAug 29, 2023
Mine · Software engineer
Interview coaching
We had a mock coding interview. He has done a great job! He immediately spotted out what my strengths were and how I could take advantage of them. He encouraged me to deeply introspect my thoughts and strategies. He also gave feedback on the mindset I should have to address the context and use cases of a given problem. I feel much more confident in my abilities and could not have asked for a better coach to help me navigate the challenges of senior software developer role. What truly sets him apart is his consistent willingness. He exceeds my expectations in promptly addressing my questions and offering assistance beyond the sessions. This may be your most valuable investment in your career!
Mine got two offers Logo of AmazonAmazonLogo of GoogleGoogle
Mine left one more review for Suman Icon to expand more reviews
filled starfilled starfilled starfilled starfilled starJul 03, 2021
Arindrajit · Software engineer
Interview coaching
Arindrajit got an offer at Logo of MetaMeta
filled starfilled starfilled starfilled starfilled starJun 14, 2021
Anonymous · Software engineer
Interview coaching
Anonymous got an offer at Logo of Goldman SachsGoldman Sachs
Anonymous left two more reviews for Suman Icon to expand more reviews
filled starfilled starfilled starfilled starfilled starJun 12, 2021
Cejay · Software engineer
Interview coaching
Suman provided great advice on how to develop and convey past work experiences during the behavioral interview.
Cejay got an offer at Logo of AmazonAmazon
Cejay left one more review for Suman Icon to expand more reviews