Find a Hardware engineering tutor.

Struggling to learn Hardware engineering on your own? Easily schedule a Hardware engineering lesson with a tutor to build your knowledge or complete a project.

3 tutors available right now


Vaarrun, coached by Danielle
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“Danielle provided very clear, structured and actionable feedback. She is one of the best coaches I've ever interacted with and I'm very thankful to her for her tips and valuable time!“
Dec 12, 2024
Ren, coached by Sameep
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“Actionable feedback session. Sameep has a wealth of experience and is able to use that to provide targeted feedback that helped structure my interview responses. Overall great interaction and good use of time for interview prep.“
Dec 12, 2024
Lori, coached by Ramendra
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“Ramendra is very knowledgeable and really helpful for any typical tech interviews like systems designs, leet code algorithms, etc. Gave me a tonne of confidence and a great knowledge boost.“
Dec 11, 2024
Imelda, coached by James
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“Amazing experience! Had a very productive session with James, and got a lot of feedback and points to improve on in my prep. James also pushed me with qualitative discussions, which I appreciated very much, because it felt very much like a real interview! Thanks, James! I appreciate you!“
Dec 10, 2024
Nikki, coached by Mark
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“Mark is clearly an expert and is passionate about coaching to enhance the development of his clients. He offered valuable, honest feedback during and after my session. Booking another session for sure.“
Dec 10, 2024
Sophie, coached by Jeff
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“Jeff has been great to work with! He gives clear and actionable feedback, and can also advise on the technical component of the PM interview.“
Dec 10, 2024

Here are typical challenges our tutors can help with.

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Build your knowledge. Tired of figuring things out on your own? Hire a tutor to help accelerate your learning and achieve your goals.
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Complete a project. Stuck on a new project you or your team is trying to build? Hire a tutor to get unstuck and launch as soon as possible.
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Get personalized support. Reach your goals faster by getting 1-on-1 support that’s tailored to your situation and goals.
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100% satisfaction guarantee

If you aren’t satisfied with your tutoring session for any reason, get in touch with us within 24h and we’ll refund you.

How does the tutoring platform work?

Step 1 - Purchase your coaching hours.

You can use your coaching hours with a single tutor, or spread them across multiple tutors. All tutors have been vetted by our team. They have extensive coaching experience and a passion for making others successful.

How many sessions would you like to purchase?

Sessions can be scheduled with any coach and for any service once purchased.
Most Popular5$139/h
Total: $695
You’re saving US$50.00

Step 2 - Schedule your hours with any coach.

For each coaching hour, pick a tutor, and select a time in their calendar. Tutors only need 12h notice to be booked. So, if you could start practicing as early as today.

Screenshot of coach's profile page showing availability and experience

Step 3 - Meet with your coach.

Each coaching session lasts 1h. At the time of the session, you’ll login to a Google Meet call to meet your coach. They’ll confirm the objectives of the session with you and get started. You’ll be in touch with your tutor over email before and after the session so you can ask any questions you have.

Coach and candidate conduct a video call

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You don’t have to do it alone. Hire an tutor to get advice, build a project or improve your skills.