Karthik got an offer as a Business analyst at McKinsey

Name Karthik V
New Position Business analyst
Location New York City (USA)
Date of Offer January 2022
Coaching Sessions 11
What most excites you about your new job?
I always wanted to be a consultant. I'm looking forward to working with lots of different clients and learning on the job.
Where were you previously?
McAfee (the security software company)
What was your preparation strategy?
I did around 100 hours preparation in total. 80 of these were before the first-round interviews.
I watched case interview sessions on YouTube to understand the dynamic, got help from peers, and worked with IGotAnOffer coaches.
What was the hardest part of the whole interview process?
The anticipation was the most stressful part. Also, remembering not to make simple, avoidable mistakes.
Did any of the interview questions stand out?
The questions were all roughly the same difficulty, nothing really stood out above the other.
Coaches were more nit-picky than the actual interviewers, so it helped to be over-prepared.
Do you have any final tips for other candidates?
Learn how to do pieces of cases on your own, how to structure business cases, and get in the mindset of learning how to think like a consultant.
The best advice I received was to look at Wall Street Journal headlines and try to think of them as case problems, trying come up with the framework to tackle them.
What coaches would you recommend working with?

Amaka U.
Supercoaches have great ratings and cancel sessions booked with them only extremely rarely.
Management consultant
Amaka U. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.