Amit got an offer as a Technical program manager at Meta
Name Amit K
New Position Technical program manager IC5
Location London, England
Date of Offer April 2022
Coaching Sessions 3
What most excites you about your new job?
The culture and the team.
Where were you previously?
JP Morgan
What was your preparation strategy?
I prepared 3 hours a day over 8 weeks.
First, I studied the blogs on IGotAnOffer. Then I used them to create a spreadsheet with samples of example questions for each category.
Finally, I did 4 sessions of coaching with an IGotAnOffer coach: Anka.
What was the hardest part of the whole interview process?
The hardest part was having enough situations and remembering them for the "tell me about a time..." questions.
Did any of the interview questions stand out?
Explaining how I influenced others was a bit tricky.
Do you have any final tips for other candidates?
Get a coach!
What coaches would you recommend working with?
Anka M.
Technical program manager
Google, Meta
North America
152 clients (38% rebook rate)
5.0 (42 reviews)
Anka M. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.