Antoine got an offer as a Business analyst at Kearney

Headshot of Antoine
Name Antoine G
New Position Business analyst Junior at Kearney
Location London (England)
Date of Offer September 2021
Coaching Sessions 6

What most excites you about your new job?

The diversity of projects and clients.

Where were you before?

I was business development manager at an early-stage start-up.

What was your preparation strategy?

I spent 5-6 hours/week preparing, over a 6-month period. I started doing coaching sessions at business school and used case prepping from multiple places. I worked first on framework and maths (foundation first) and then started working through cases.

What was the hardest part of the whole interview process?

Organization and time management between interview prep and work.

Did any of the interview questions stand out?

There were some tough achievement, leadership, and conflict questions.

What advice would you give to other candidates?

Start prepping early, and prepare for both case and fit. Do prep with multiple different people.

What coaches would you recommend working with?

Photo of Adam Q., an interview coachSuper coach badge icon for our top interview coaches
Adam Q.
Management consultant
Interview coaching company iconBain, Kearney
Interview coaching location iconToronto timezone
Positive Interview coaching reviews icon
Adam Q. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.

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