David got an offer as a Summer intern at Oliver Wyman

Name David T
New Position Summer intern
Oliver Wyman
Location Singapore
Date of Offer November 2023
Coaching Sessions 2
What most excites you about your new job?
Following internships at other consulting firms, I'm excited to see how life is at Oliver Wyman.
Where were you previously?
I have done internships at Arthur D Little and Simon-Kucher.
What was your preparation strategy?
Altogether I spent around 15 hours preparing for my Oliver Wyman interviews.
I revised frameworks and developed my own personal ones to use for different case types. I practiced alongside case interviews on YouTube.
What was the hardest part of the whole interview process?
Remembering the frameworks I'd made.
Did any of the interview questions stand out?
I was asked to estimate the annual costs of the tooth fairy!
Do you have any final tips for other candidates?
Don't be intimidated by Finanicial Services cases, treat them like any other case.
What coaches would you recommend working with?

Shubham K.
Supercoaches have great ratings and cancel sessions booked with them only extremely rarely.
Management consultant
Shubham K. can’t be booked for the next 4 weeks. We recommend looking for another coach.