More information about Shankar A.

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Shankar A.
Supercoaches have great ratings and cancel sessions booked with them only extremely rarely.
Management consultant
Company iconBain, McKinsey
Interview coaching company icon24 clients  (8% rebook rate)
Star icon5.0  (3 reviews)

2022-present: Bain, Consultant, Brussels, Belgium 2017-21: McKinsey, Consultant, Bengaluru, India

Shankar is a consultant at Bain & Co., Brussels office. He has conducted over 30 interviews for them and has dedicated time to coaching more than 50+ people. He was earlier working with McKinsey & Co. in India, based out of Bengaluru. Shankar has experience in energy, consumer products and e-commerce industries in the areas of growth strategy, portfolio strategy, due diligence and valuations.
Offers: Career coaching, Interview coaching, Resume review