More information about Rohit K.

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Rohit K.
Engineering manager, Software engineer, Staff software engineer
Company iconCitadel, Indeed, Stubhub, Uber
Interview coaching company icon2 clients
Star iconNew 

2022-Present: StubHub, Technical Lead Manager, New York 2021-22: Uber, Senior Software Engineer 2019-21: Citadel, Senior Software Engineer, New York 2016-19: Indeed, Senior Software Engineer, California

*Pass your interviews* Rohit has interviewed 400+ engineering candidates throughout his career across companies like Citadel, Uber, StubHub, etc. from junior to staff+ levels, and has received offers from Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. He can help you practice and provide guidance on system design, behavior, coding, and general prep. *Get more interviews* As an engineering and hiring manager, Rohit is responsible for screening candidates for his team or sister teams. He can help you streamline your resume to deliver a quantifiable and concise impact of your work and showcase your growth which is a key factor.
Offers: Interview coaching, Resume review