Jing got an offer as a Product manager at American Express

Headshot of Jing
Name Jing T
New Position Product manager at American Express
Location New York City, NY (USA)
Date of Offer April 2022
Coaching Sessions 2

What most excites you about your new job?

I'll be the very first product manager on the device intelligence team, where I can help to steer the team toward building the right products.

Where were you previously?

I worked in healthcare.

What was your preparation strategy?

I prepared for about 3-4 hours a day for 4 months. During that time, I prepared my answers in each category of questions that I got from IGotAnOffer.

What was the hardest part of the whole interview process?

Sometimes I didn't know why I failed in an interview even though I thought I had answered all the questions very well.

Did any of the interview questions stand out?

A lot of personality fit questions stood out.

Do you have any final tips for other candidates?

Be systematic and strategic about what kind of company you want to get in to, as well as what kind of personality fit you are pursuing.

What coaches would you recommend working with?

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