Nicolas got an offer as a Senior Product Manager at Google

Headshot of Nicolas
Name Nicolas L
New Position Senior Product Manager L6 at Google
Location San Francisco, California (USA)
Date of Offer March 2022
Coaching Sessions 2

What most excites you about your new job?

The scale of the impact my work will have.

Where were you previously?


What was your preparation strategy?

I divided my prep into four stages. 1. I read some books and the structural materials for the interview. 2. I then watched YouTube videos on specific topics. 3. I did 5 mock interviews over a 3 week period. 4. I watched some keynote Google speeches.

What was the hardest part of the whole interview process?

Overcoming my nerves!

Did any of the interview questions stand out?

In one interview I had a lot of creative math questions.

Do you have any final tips for other candidates?

Don't rush to get interviews scheduled. Take time if you feel you're not ready.

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