More information about Mo E.

Mo E.
Asset manager, Investment banker, Trader
2024-Present: LM Companion, Director, London 2017-23: Deutsche Bank, Vice President (FIC Structuring & Quantitative Investment Strategies) London
*Pass your interviews*
Mo has interviewed dozens of internship and graduate scheme candidates over the course of his 7 year Front-Office career in Deutsche Bank in London, both in-person and more recently assessing 1-way HireVue interviews. He has experience on both sides of the interview table and has a unique insight into the exact assessment criteria for IB entry-level roles. Mo has helped over 40 students successfully secure internships and graduate offers at top-tier IBs, for both IBD and S&T positions.
*Get more interviews*
Mo has screened dozens of CVs and Cover Letters over the course of his IB career and has a strong understanding of what makes a CV pop. Investment Banking is hyper-competitive, and in 2024 you need to be able to differentiate your CV and cover letter to ensure you get past the AI scanners and get noticed. Mo can show you actual CVs and Cover Letters from successful applications, and how to position your experiences to help you break into investment banking.
Offers: Career coaching, Interview coaching, Mentoring, Resume review
Hard skills