More information about Alan K.

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Alan K.
Supercoaches have great ratings and cancel sessions booked with them only extremely rarely.
Manager of PMs, Product manager
Company iconAmazon, Chewy, Uber
Interview coaching company icon271 clients  (28% rebook rate)
Star icon5.0  (78 reviews)

2020-24:, Sr Director of Product Management and Engineering 2017-20: Uber, Director of Product 2010-17: Amazon, Director in Kindle and Logistics

Alan is a former Bar Raiser with Amazon. He's taken part in over 800 interviews as an Amazon Bar Raiser for roles in Product Management, Program Management, Design, Financial and Data Analysis, Legal, and many others. He has also conducted an additional 500+ interviews over the rest of his career. He has coached and mentored 50+ people within his personal and professional network. Today, Alan is a Senior Director of Product Management at a top US automaker.
Offers: Career coaching, Interview coaching, Leadership coaching, Mentoring
Reviews icon Reviews
filled starfilled starfilled starfilled starfilled starMar 07, 2025
Ross · Product manager
Interview coaching
Ross got an offer at Logo of UberUber
filled starfilled starfilled starfilled starfilled starNov 08, 2023
Ingrid · Product manager
Interview coaching · Behavioral mock interview
Alan gave extremely valuable and specific feedback regarding my mock interview and what Amazon would be looking for. On top of that, my internet unexpectedly cut out and he attempted to contact me to resume the interview. Lastly, I appreciated that he was able to give me critical feedback in a highly empathetic and kind way. Would recommend to anyone interviewing at Amazon!
Ingrid got an offer at Logo of MetaMeta
filled starfilled starfilled starfilled starfilled starApr 04, 2023
Interview coaching
Anonymous got an offer
🎉 🥳 🎊
Anonymous confirmed getting an offer in writing but kept the company private.
filled starfilled starfilled starfilled starfilled starDec 15, 2022
Interview coaching
Alan was a great coach. He helped me structure and polish my answers. His coaching helped me get a job offer!
Simon got an offer
🎉 🥳 🎊
Simon confirmed getting an offer in writing but kept the company private.
Simon left three more reviews for Alan Icon to expand more reviews
filled starfilled starfilled starfilled starfilled starMay 24, 2022
Kirill · Product manager
Interview coaching
Alan is a fantastic coach!!! He helped me prepare for Uber Jam session as well as onsite. Alan brings tons of knowledge and experience when it comes to interview coaching; besides, he is well aware of the Uber specifics and can help you tailor your prep for every interview type (jam, product design, data science, technical, etc.) Thanks to Alan's expert advice, I was able to present my analysis during the Jam session with full confidence and I felt that I nailed it! The only piece of constructive feedback is that Alan has a lot to share, which sometimes feels a bit of "one-way street", so occasionally you may need to jump in to ensure it remains interactive, covering the topics or questions that are relevant for you specifically. Overall, highly recommended!
Kirill got an offer at Logo of UberUber