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Daisy M.
Software engineer
Company iconAdobe, Google, Twitter, Uber
Interview coaching company icon36 clients  (19% rebook rate)
Star icon4.75  (16 reviews)

2020-22: Google, Software Engineer, Bengaluru, India

Daisy is a seasoned software engineer with a wealth of experience in the tech industry. A former Software Engineer at Google in Bengaluru, India, Daisy has carried out over 30 interviews and coached more than 20 people throughout her career. Daisy is an experienced software developer, highly skilled in C++, Java, Python, Go, C, HTML, react.js and Objective-C. With a background in designing and developing multiple large scale software solutions, Daisy brings a wealth of technical knowledge to her current role as a Software Engineer at Twitter.
Offers: Career coaching, Interview coaching, Leadership coaching, Mentoring, Resume review